Case Studies
Mubarak Alsubaie , the CEO of Marakeb Auto Repair, shared how our digital platform enabled them to digitize bodyshop operations. From streamlining processes to monitoring technician efficiency and enhancing customer experiences through automated communications, our platform has been a driving force behind their digital transformation.

"One of the biggest advantages that cyber automotive solutions have given us is that we are right now able to look at our business from a helicopter view. We could see all the cars in each and every branch, and what is the exact location of, or let's say status of each car. Is it waiting for parts? Is it in the painting section? Is it in the mechanic section? Which makes it very easy for us to follow up with branch managers and make sure that they are meeting their deadlines and KPIs."
The Story
the traditional way to do it is by calling them either on the phone or asking them to come and making sure that all the details are being mentioned and then have them sign on the agreement sheet.
Cyber automotive solutions has made it easier for our service advisors to interact with the customer.
Our service advisors can do it completely paperless, all online, send the customers all the details that are needed with the pricing, with the quotation of everything. And if the customers have any question also, they could ask online and the service advisor could answer online as well. And once all is settled, the approval is made online. The system allowed us to have a more transparent customer relationship, which made our customers more loyal to Marakib

What Cyber automotive solutions is doing basically just taking a very old business and putting something new to it and making it modernized. I would say that the most important values that the software has provided us with is that it has given us more transparency with the customer, which improved the customer's journey with us, as well as the power of data. We have access to more data.
One of the biggest advantages that cyber automotive solutions have given us is that we are right now able to look at our business from a helicopter view.